Saturday, 29 September 2012

How I Cut In Paint On A Wall With a Textured Ceiling

Here's Jared demonstrating how to cut in paint on a wall that had a textured ceiling.

1) Start with a good brush
2) Liberally apply paint to corners where both walls meet
* If you are slower at this make sure that the temperature in the room is not too high because it will cause the paint to dry faster and become sticky

3) When painting against the ceiling make sure your brush is feathered out. This will ensure that you will not have any excess paint on the ceiling.

4) Make sure the line on the opposite side of the ceiling is feathered so when you roll the paint onto the wall you will not have a line of built up paint


* Make sure to move your arm and hand and not just your wrist, this will help create a straight line

* If the texture falls down, simply take a putty knife and push it back up